
Negotiation is an out-of-court means of resolving a conflict through direct written and verbal contact with the other party to identify the best solution in the client's best interest.

Negotiation encompasses almost all areas of civil law, from contractual to inheritance matters, from debt recovery to damages. It is therefore a cross-cutting activity that represents the mission of our firm, knowing that a good negotiation has better costs and outcomes than a judgment and also finds client satisfaction because of its speed; of this we are proud. mission del nostro studio, consapevoli che un buon negoziato ha costi ed esiti migliori di un giudizio e trova la soddisfazione dei clienti anche per la sua rapidità; di ciò siamo fieri.

It requires considerable dialectical skill and psychological finesse, qualities acquired in particular by one of our firm's partners (Lawyer Giuseppe Palmieri) both through specific theoretical training and through the practical work he has been doing for more than two decades.